MidAmerica EDC Macroeconomic Analysis

The Mid-America EDC recently completed an analysis of the assets of our 13 state region. 
Click Here to view the Mid-America EDC Macroeconomic Analysis. 



Collectively, the Mid-America EDC region represents 20 percent of the nation’s population, 20 percent of the nations total business establishments and 21.7 percent of the nation’s total workforce. If the Mid-America EDC region were a country it would be almost twice the size of Canada and roughly the same size as France. There are substantial economic, demographic, and regional assets that position the Mid-America EDC states well for valuable, targeted growth opportunities. The Mid- America EDC region has a strong representation of manufacturing and agricultural industry sectors and state universities with Research & Development efforts that are charting the course for our nation’s future.

CLICK HERE for the full report.

Webinar Recording: Mid-America EDC Regional Data Project Overview - Presented on June 16, 2020 by The Montrose Group, LLC