Forging the Future: A Spotlight on Manufacturing Month in Mid-America
Monday, October 23, 2023

In the heart of the United States lies the Mid-America region, a powerhouse of manufacturing and economic activity. Comprising thirteen states, this region is home to a vibrant and diverse industrial landscape, and it plays a pivotal role in shaping the nation's economy. October is a particular time for the region as it joins the nationwide celebration of Manufacturing Month. This occasion underscores the importance of manufacturing in the US and highlights the innovation and dedication of the workforce that keeps this vital sector alive.
The Mid-America EDC: Leading the Way
The MidAmerica Economic Development Council, a professional association representing Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Wyoming, is at the forefront of promoting and fostering manufacturing excellence. These states collectively contribute significantly to the national economy, accounting for 20 percent of the nation's population, 20 percent of its total business establishments, and an impressive 21.7 percent of the nation's workforce.
Manufacturing is the backbone of the American economy, and the Mid-America region is a living testament to its significance. This sector generates millions of jobs, contributes to technological advancements, and drives innovation across various industries. Manufacturing Month serves as an annual reminder of the vital role that manufacturing plays, and it is an opportunity to appreciate the hardworking individuals who make it all happen. This month-long event showcases the reality of modern manufacturing careers by encouraging thousands of companies and educational institutions nationwide to open their doors to students, parents, teachers, and community leaders. Manufacturing careers are full of opportunities for exciting endeavors, personal advancement and stability.
“There’s no such thing as a low-skilled job in manufacturing anymore,” NAM Chief Economist Chad Moutray said in a 2023 Industry Outlook article for Manufacturing Dive. Today’s typical manufacturing roles incorporate the latest technology like artificial intelligence, cloud computing and robotics into existing processes, quality control and problem-solving techniques. Additionally, sustainability is quickly becoming a focused aspect of manufacturing as companies seek to find ways to produce customary items in manners that coexist positively with their natural environment.
Manufacturing Month: A National Celebration
One key aspect of Manufacturing Month is showcasing the incredible diversity within the manufacturing sector. Mid-America is known for its versatility, with industries ranging from automotive manufacturing in Michigan to agriculture-related machinery production in Kansas. The region's manufacturers produce everything from precision medical devices to agricultural equipment, and this diversity is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of the Mid-American workforce.
Educational Initiatives: Bridging the Skills Gap
The role of education must be recognized during Manufacturing Month. In collaboration with schools and universities, Mid-America promotes programs and initiatives to educate students about manufacturing opportunities. These efforts are crucial in addressing the skills gap that has been a concern in the industry. By inspiring the younger generation to pursue careers in manufacturing, the region is ensuring a bright and sustainable future for this sector.
Collaboration for Economic Growth
Additionally, Manufacturing Month highlights the importance of collaboration between businesses, government, and local communities. Mid-America's manufacturers often work closely with local and state governments to promote economic growth and create jobs. This partnership results in a mutually beneficial relationship where manufacturers receive support and incentives while the region enjoys increased financial stability.
Manufacturing Month in the Mid-America region is a time to celebrate the manufacturing sector's enormous contributions to the US economy. With its impressive workforce, diverse industrial landscape, and commitment to innovation, the Mid-America region stands as a shining example of the manufacturing strength that defines the nation. As we commemorate Manufacturing Month, we are reminded that manufacturing is not just a profession; it is a way of life that drives economic prosperity and progress. it is a tribute to the hardworking individuals who make things happen, shaping the future of Mid-America and the United States.
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