Brand Acceleration

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Brand Acceleration focuses on just one thing: economic development marketing — and we take a very different approach than what you’ve seen from traditional advertising agencies, PR firms, or consultants.

By developing that laser focus on economic development and creating a genuine partnership approach with the organizations we serve, we’ve gained an extraordinary understanding of all facets of the ever-changing economic development landscape. Through ongoing conversations with site selection consultants, real estate professionals, c-suite executives, prospective workers, and local stakeholders and business managers, we’ve tuned into the needs of every participant in the process. That’s how our highly experienced team of branding, marketing communications, and public relations professionals knows how to sharpen your community’s brand and present it through messaging that connects your strategic goals with the audiences that matter most to you.

We ignore myths, misconceptions, and marketing noise, choosing instead to focus on proven approaches that build awareness of and interest in your community, region, or state. The result is strategies and executions that consistently deliver measurable results.